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2024 National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Grants

In collaboration with the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), The National Park Service National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program (NTF) is pleased to announce the availability of grant funds for 2024. Grant amounts will range from $1,000 to $100,000.

Grant Categories

Grants to listed Network to Freedom members- sites, programs, or facilities- for preservation, research, or interpretation

Listings that have not previously received Network to Freedom grants will receive extra credit in the evaluation. However, members that have received previous grants are encouraged to apply. Matching funds are not required, however, projects with matching funds will receive extra credit in the evaluation.

Grants proposals to fund writing applications to list new sites in the Network to Freedom

These grants are available to the public and do not have to be associated with an existing NTF member. Applications for listing in the Network to Freedom must be the outcome of the grant and they must be submitted within six months of the date of the award.

This year, the NTF wants to encourage student engagement. Special preference will be given to projects that have a direct student engagement or education component. For example:

- Involving students in researching UGRR sites and writing NTF applications
- Involving students in developing exhibits, websites, videos, or other interpretive material
- Developing lesson plans, teacher materials, and curriculum materials
- Teacher workshops on how to teach UGRR history

The deadline for submitting
grant proposals is august 19, 2024.

All completed applications should be submitted through the portal on this website.
All proposed projects will need to be completed by September 30, 2024.